What Causes Driving Anxiety?

There are about as many answers to this question as there are people with driving anxiety, however, there are some general categories that people who experience driving phobia or anxiety fall into:
Driving Anxiety after a Traumatic Event
People who have been in an accident sometimes report symptoms of anxiety or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while driving. Driving may be associated with the trauma of an accident. Those memories and feelings from the driving accident are triggered and re-experienced when the person drives or thinks about driving. Driving anxiety can also be related to other traumatic experiences when memories in the brain were stored incorrectly and triggered when one drives or attempts to drive. For example, it is quite common for people to report that they suffer from driving anxiety since a sudden and unforeseen negative event. Our brain may get stuck on the theme, "The world is unpredictable and you cannot control events around you."
Driving Anxiety after a Traumatic Event
People who have been in an accident sometimes report symptoms of anxiety or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) while driving. Driving may be associated with the trauma of an accident. Those memories and feelings from the driving accident are triggered and re-experienced when the person drives or thinks about driving. Driving anxiety can also be related to other traumatic experiences when memories in the brain were stored incorrectly and triggered when one drives or attempts to drive. For example, it is quite common for people to report that they suffer from driving anxiety since a sudden and unforeseen negative event. Our brain may get stuck on the theme, "The world is unpredictable and you cannot control events around you."
Driving Anxiety due to Evaluation
Repetitive thoughts that driving is risky, dangerous or life threatening often leads to an avoidance of driving. Anxiety turns into a phobia when the anxiety provoking event (driving) is avoided again and again. If one believes that driving is dangerous, avoidance of driving will reduce the tension. Next time this person has to drive, it becomes more difficult, creating feelings of being afraid and heightened sensitivity to conditions that create more fear.
Driving Anxiety from Panic Attacks
Some suffer from agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of being in a place where they cannot easily escape if they feel they are going to have a panic attack. Driving is a situation one cannot easily escape from, especially freeways and where there is a lot of traffic. The fear may be of having a panic attack and losing control of the vehicle. These fears are very real and as a result people may avoid certain driving situations or driving altogether.

Will knowing the cause of driving anxiety
create the cure?
Probably not, but it is very helpful in your approach to overcoming your driving anxiety. If you are unable to overcome your driving anxiety by increasing your driving and focusing on the positives, professional help may be necessary. The therapists at Counseling ABQ specialize in helping people with driving phobia.
It is frustrating to have to depend on others or public transportation to go where you like. By overcoming your anxiety or phobia, you are free to go wherever and whenever you want. You may be surprised how much more time and energy you have after you have overcome this phobia. Many people have done this already and you can also.
create the cure?
Probably not, but it is very helpful in your approach to overcoming your driving anxiety. If you are unable to overcome your driving anxiety by increasing your driving and focusing on the positives, professional help may be necessary. The therapists at Counseling ABQ specialize in helping people with driving phobia.
It is frustrating to have to depend on others or public transportation to go where you like. By overcoming your anxiety or phobia, you are free to go wherever and whenever you want. You may be surprised how much more time and energy you have after you have overcome this phobia. Many people have done this already and you can also.
Counseling ABQ 2900 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Ste. 210 Albuquerque NM 87110